The college, one of the three oldest Girls' colleges of the state of Madhya Pradesh, has always catered to the holistic development of girls, since its inception in 1956.The Programme Outcomes and the Programme Specific Outcomes have also been framed in accordance with the idea of holistic development. All the programmes offered nurture the students to be intellectually competent, morally upright, socially committed, civically responsible, and spiritually inspired.
All the Course Outcomes reflect that on successful learning of the courses, students can pave their path in various walks of life. Our alumni, who have outshined in various walks of life, are a testimony to the success of programmes and courses. Even if the students are home makers they turn out to be good citizens proving their societal and civical worth.
Yes, Programme outcomes, Programme Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes for all the post graduate programmes offered by the institute are clearly stated, displayed on the website and communicated to teachers and students.
The college website also carries composite details about the programme and course, which includes introduction and objectives of a programme, courses offered, objective of the course, faculty profile and other academics related information.
The framework of the programme outcome (po), programme specific outcome (pso) and course outcomes (co) for all the postgraduate programmes designed by the faculties of the respective departments are discussed in the academic meet in the department, validated and presented before the Board of Studies for approval. Once approved by the Board of Studies it is submitted to the Academic Council for endorsement and finally uploaded on the website. The departments hold brainstorming sessions to design strategies so that the students attain the outcomes. New members of the department are briefed on the programme outcomes and the course outcomes. Po, pso and co are briefed to them after the allocation of the respective courses.
Since Alumni representative is there in the Board of Studies, suggestions from the alumni are of prime importance, due provisions are made that the suggestions from the alumni, are incorporated in the syllabi, if there is a scope.
Programme Outcome, Programme Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes are discussed with the parents and their ward at the time of admission.
All students are apprised of the objectives and outcomes of their programme during the compulsory induction programme.
All the departments offer Zero classes for fifteen days, each class of forty minutes. These classes are exclusively used to brief the students on prgramme outcome, programme specific outcome and course outcome.
An official copy of the syllabi is available in all the departments for ready reference.