A mentors role is to guide , to give advice, and to support the mentee. Mentor can help the person to improve her abilities and skills through observation, assessment, modeling and by constant guidance.. Students enrolled in this institution come from varied socio-economic and cultural backgrounds. They differ in their emotional, academic and vocational needs. To cater their diverse needs and to inculcate a professional aptitude institution takes the responsibility. A committee is formed to look after the needs of the students and mentor them . Senior faculty members of each stream are assigned the major responsibility as chief mentors. They in turn appoint other mentors and allot students to them accordingly. All the full time teachers act as mentors. In all 125 mentors were appointed for 4938 students. So, Every mentor is allotted with 35-45 students. Mentors are allotted students of their own streams so that they can easily track them. Students also feel closer to their faculties and open their hearts to them. Generally P G classes are mentored by their respective heads and one senior faculty member.
Each mentor prepares the list of students allotted to him/her.The mentor also collects all the vital personal and educational information of the mentee. The Mentors Counsel the students and help them to carve their future. Mentors also monitor their attendance and their performance in internal assessments. Students are advised as and when needed. Efforts are made to solve their personal problems as well as problems related to campus.Students are also acquainted with Facilities available in the campus and online facilities. Mentors also help them to fill various forms and information regarding scholarships and other issues are also provided from time to time.Guidance is also provided for the career advancement and competitive examinations. Mentors also try to encourage them to participate in various extra curricular Activities which are held in college. A promising student is further encouraged to participate in inter college , inter university and further levels. Other institutions also organize various literary, cultural and sports activities. Mentors inform the mentee about these. Students freely consult with their mentors.about in campus and off campus issues.
Effective mentoring is established through trustworthy relationship between Mentees and mentors. The mentors bridge the communication gap between parents and administration by regularly updating the issues. Notices regarding various activities and examination schedules are communicated by administration as well as by mentors. Students can discuss their concern about examination schedules through mentors. Our mentors have successfully managed through their responsible behaviour, hard work, student friendly attitude and students reciprocated it with love, respect and above all with their performance.